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Security MeasuresSecurity is a cornerstone of iTrustCapital’s platform. Here are some of the key security features:1. Cold StorageiTrustCapital stores the majority of its digital assets in cold storage. This means that the assets are kept offline, away from potential hackers. Cold storage is considered one of the safest ways to store cryptocurrencies.2. Insurance CoverageTo further protect users, iTrustCapital provides insurance coverage for digital assets held in their accounts. This coverage ensures that, in the unlikely event of a security breach, users’ assets are protected.3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)As mentioned earlier, iTrustCapital requires users to enable 2FA. This additional layer of security helps to prevent unauthorized access to accounts.4. Regular AuditsiTrustCapital undergoes regular security audits to ensure the platform remains secure and up-to-date with the latest security protocols. These audits help identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.